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Text of Parshah (Hebrew with English translation) - Parshas Metzorah.
A short summary of the Torah portion read in the Synagogue on Shabbat.
The Torah portion Metzora begins by stating: "This shall be...
In this meditation, Rabbi Ginsburgh explores the source of the disease of tzara'at--Messianic frustration. By understanding the depths of this...
Do you get goose pimples when you are scared, or a nervous stomach when you are excited? Isn't that strange? After all, it's your mind and heart...
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi once asked Eliyahu Hanovi, When is Mashiach coming? Eliyahu answered, Ask him yourself! But how will I recognize him? he...
The previous Parsha, Tazria, describes the onset and identification of the supernatural "disease" tzara'as. Our Parsha, by contrast, details the...
When Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch was sixteen years old, his father entrusted him with the task of serving as a mashpia(a spiritual guide and mentor)...
Even if the observance of the laws and regulation of Taharas Hamishpacha entailed a certain effort or even sacrifice on the part of the parents...