Freedom of Choice, and Choosing Freely
One of the central themes of Judaism is Free Choice. This issue is addressed at some length in the concluding verses of the Torah portion Nitzavim ...
Our Parsha - Nitzavim
Text of Parshah (Hebrew with English translation) - Parshas Nitzavim
The Weekly Aliyot of the Parsha
A short summary of the Torah portion read in the Synagogue on Shabbat. The parsha Nitzavim
The Long But Short Of It
The Talmud relates: Said Rabbi Yehoshua the son of Chanania: "Once a child got the better of me." "I was travelling, and I met with a child at ...
The Name of the Parsha - Nitzavim
The Parsha begins with the declaration: “You are standing firmly (nitzavim) today all of you together, before G-d, your G-d- the heads of your tribes…
Choosing Life: The Essence of the Torah
The Torah portion of Netzavim is always read immediately before the high holidays. Before completing the teshuvah of Elul and preparing for ...
Moshiach in the Parsha
This week's section, read as a preparation for Rosh Hashanah, begins: “You are standing, all of you, today before G-d.” Some commentaries state ...
Children's Corner
This is the last Shabbos of the month of Elul, the last month of the year. The last Shabbos of each month is called Shabbos Mevorchim, when we ...