The Last Word

Rashi writes that Ya'akov sent Eisav actual angels (malachim mamash. The Maggid of Mezritch taught that Ya'akov sent the "mamash" of the angels, their angelic "bodies," to Eisav but that their souls remained with him.

Obviously, this does not mean to say that Ya'akov split the angels apart, dividing their "bodies" and souls. Rather, the Maggid's intent was that even after the angels were sent off on their mission, they remained totally loyal to Ya'akov-their "souls" were with him.

This teaches us that when a Jew becomes involved with. the physical world, he too must send out metaphorical "angels" or "messengers," i.e. he must use his "sixth sense" to determine whether his physical endeavors could prove to be detrimental to his spiritual "health," asking himself: Is this a physical pursuit that can easily be dedicated or "steered" to a higher purpose, or not?

And, even then, the person should not put the "soul" of his senses and faculties into physical matters. Rather, while he may use the "mamash" (body) of his senses for his physical pursuits, a Jew's genuine enthusiasm-the "soul" of his senses-should be reserved only for spiritual matters.

(Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 5, p. 392ff.; vol. 10. p. 101)