The Name of the Parsha

The word "Tetzave" literaly means "command," as the opening verse of our Parsha reads, "And you should command the children of israel that thay should bring to you pure olive oil..."

However, "Tetzave" is also a derivative of the word "tzavsa" meaning "connection." According to this translation, the verse would read, "And you should connect the Jewish people..."

This hint to the fact that Moshe connect the Jewish people with God.

When he succeeds in this task, Moshe becomes spiritually strengthened. For, as a true Jewish leader, his entire essence and being is bound up with the people, so when the people increase their connection with God, it makes Moshe stronger.

This hinted by the end of the verse, "they should bring to you pure olive oil," i.e. when Moshe connects the Jewish leader of the caliber of Moshe to God, Moshe's own spiritual light grows stronger.

The verse continues, "crushed for lighting." I.e. when the Jewish people are "crushed" in exile, there is always a Jewish leader of the caliber of Moshe to be found, referred to in the Zohar as, "the extension of Moshe in every generation." This leader can take a people who are spiritually crushed, and transform them to be ready, "for lighting," - spiritually awake and illuminated.

Then, the Jewish people can reach the level indicated by the end of the verse, "to ignite the lamp until it burns continually." I.e. that they become spiritually self-sufficient, to the extent that they no longer rely on their leader, and they can "burn continually" without his direct input.

(Based on Sefer Hama'amorim Melukat vol. 6, p. 129ff)