Torah in Ten provides weekly insightful conversations on the current Torah portion. The class includes interesting commentaries from renowned...
The Torah portion of Vayishlach begins by relating that Yaakov sent angels to his brother Esav, informing him that he had “sojourned by Lavan and...
Text of Parshah (Hebrew with English translation) - Parshas Vayishlach.
Vayishlach means, "he sent," which refers to the concept of shlichus, sending an emissary or representative. In the broader sense, we are all...
A short summary of the Torah portion read in the Synagogue on Shabbat.
The Stranger in the Night As Jacob approached the Land of Israel with his wives and children, he prepared himself for his encounter with his estranged brother, Esau. Alone on the bank of the Yabok River
When I was four years old, I asked my father: "Why did G-d make people with twoeyes? Why not with one eye, just as we has been given a single nose...
"Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother.." (Vayishlach 32:4) The Torah relates, in great detail, how these messengers were sent to...
The wind was blowing, and large flakes of snow were falling to the ground. The Stern children, Motti, Ari, Esther and little Chaim, trudged through...
Rashi writes that Ya'akov sent Eisav actual angels (malachim mamash. The Maggid of Mezritch taught that Ya'akov sent the "mamash" of the angels...